Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things College Has Already Taught Me

1. From now on, silverware is on your school supply list.
2. PB Teen is not an acceptable website to use when making your shopping lists because that little table? THAT IS FOOD FOR LIKE TEN YEARS. Also: whose dorm has large leaded glass windows that look like something out of a castle?
3. No matter how much you whine, extra-long twin silk sheets are not a necessity.
4. The phrase "But it will remind me of you!" wears out right around the time you use it to try to convince them that you will need a $41 set of silverware.*
5. Googling the phrase "dorm room" at 3 am will only make you more nervous because it will convince you 100% that it will be like living in a closet with a stranger.
6. Your room will looking NOTHING like the dorm room in that one Ikea ad.
7. Probably you do not need to drag along your 6' CD tower. Probably. Since as it is, at home, you are using a total of 6" of it.
8. Also you do not need 8 separate lists with a stunning variety of things on them. Condense!!!

I have exactly 5 days to pack. I have not started yet. Instead, I make lists on the Internet because clearly, it is productive.

*This excuse actually ran out a long time before then, but like that has ever stopped me before.

1 comment:

Eryn said...

Amen about the IKEA pictures!