Saturday, December 30, 2006

Pet Peeve 375820184565647281

Strangers Manhandling the Sidekick

...and then proceeding to tell me they hate SKs, simply because of its
sheer, glorious, easily-handled size, and its lack of features (WHAT??!!
This thing does everything but serve me sustenance when desired!!), and
the fact that..I can't remember, I stopped listening out of sheer
boredom and irritation. Also, there was a highky entertaining Monopoly
game taking place on my computer moniter. At work.


I really should remember to eat next time

Dear self:

Next time you end up babysitting, perhaps it would be a good idea to
eat some dinner beforehand, or maybe stop and grab and sandwich or
something which you can eat after the children are in bed (because you
are not hungry before then anyway). If you were to remember to do that,
perhaps you would not be standing at their open cupboards/fridge

A) Why there is a bag of boiled potatoes on the top shelf and
B) Why does that suddenly sound really, really appetizing? (It
shouldn't, that is a bad sign.)

Also, perhaps then you would be less likely to find yourself eating
Breton crackers dipped in delicious four-cheese alfredo sauce from a jar
you remember eating from four or five weeks ago. And feeling sort of
guilty about it as you ran through worst case scenarios in your head,
such as: what if the house caves in tomorrow and this is all they have
to survive FOR A MONTH?????


The Best Part of Having Family Around During the Holidays

It provides all sorts of situations where one is hopping around on their
one damaged foot on the soaking wet patio, not wanting to come inside
for fear of tracking mayonnaise on the just-cleaned carpet, all the
while talking on the phone to someone who has no clue why you are


Friday, December 29, 2006


I am sitting in the food court at the mall, and I just happened to
observe a particularily scruffy young man in baggy clothes and scruffy
long hair with a little blinking blue light at his...ear region. At
first glance it appeared to be some sort of blinking crazy earring, as
is the style of such persons. Upon closer inspection, however, I
discovered that it was in fact a bluetooth thingy. (Not that I was
within touching distance of his ear, that would be creepy, which I am so
not.) Anyway, I did not realize that blueteeth had spread so far into
society, I figured they were more or less restricted to really busy
businessmen (or those that wanted to be) and people who drove lots and
lots. Apparently I was wrong, and now that I realize this I am feeling
the need for one. Right now! Immediately! There is no possible way I
could possible conduct my personal affairs without one! Lifting the
phone to my ear is just so droll.


Thursday, December 28, 2006


I find it depressing that whenever I see a picture of streets in NYC or
the subway I feel a strange sort of homesickness.


I wish to see this

I received a spam that had only the words "magnet riding" in the body. I
am confused and mildly concerned for the magnets....what or who is doing
the riding? Are the magnets being mistreated in any way? Perhaps I
should start a coalition. Coalition for the Protection of Mistreated
Magnets, or CPMM. Now acepting donations!
