Friday, February 2, 2007


Dear Flickr:
Before I begin, I want you to know that I delight in you and will most
like pay the exhorbitant fee of $25 just so that I can use you to store
as many photos of random objects as my heart desires.


When I use your delightful search function to look for pictures of soap
bubbles to fight off insomnia induced boredom, I am displeased to find
that most of what you are finding for me...SUCKS. I do not want photos
of children taking bubble baths. I do not find joy in seeing old people
blowing bubbles in a field and laughing, because "OMG I am, like, 40
years old, isn't it hilarious and ironic that I am standing in a field
blowing bubbles with nary a child in sight?!" I am irritated that I am
finding entirely too many pictures of people blowing bubbles with their

So, Flickr, please step it up. I know there are lots and lots of
pictures of the type I am looking for, so where are they?? The only
reason I have not taken any myself is because by the time I've gotten
bubble soap off my hands to grab my camera, the bubbles have popped. But
if you are well behaved perhaps I will try to take a picture of one of
my glorious steam-filled bubbles so that you can be witness to what a
fabulous and accomplished bubble-blower I am.
